In English please...

She liked to watch smoke going up in dizzy spirals up in the air. She forgot about time and space and just imagined herself going up in the smoke and then sliding down the thick white rings. She felt lonely from time to time. With her lethal pack of cigarettes for only company. They couldn't ease her pain and loneliness, but at least they made her imagine she was just a little girl playing in an imaginary playground made of smoke. "Smoking is bad for your health" , Jack said every now and then. " So why do you also smoke Jack?" " Do what I say, don't do what I do..." " Just give me a break Jack..." And he smiled that incredible, unforgettable smile. And all her inside melted, not even keeping her bad girl frown up on her face. Yeah... she was addicted to his smile. Stronger than nicottine. She could give up smoking in a glympse, but she could hardly breathe without the memory of his smile. But that night she was just lonel...